Be Honest – Part 3

In the first two posts I have described two of the things that can blindside us from the Truth in what God is telling us. I discussed both jealousy and a critical nature.

This week’s question is:

Do I have anything selfish to gain from this outcome?

One sentence in the study stood out. Some people enjoy being right about people being wrong. Ouch. At first I pushed this one away – and I said, “I don’t think that way. I am following Christ. I don’t want anyone to be wrong.” Oops – not true. I think about when I think I am right about something and my husband disagrees with me. Boy do I want to be right! And when I am proved right – smug is the word. And if I am proved wrong – it is very humbling and I don’t want to admit it.

Here is another statement: Pride pushes us to desire our best over the best of others. Double ouch. When I used to curl (a competitive team game played on ice) I found myself so engrossed in the game of winning that I got tense and wanted everyone to put as much effort as I did into their play. Of course, being tense did nothing to help my own contribution to the team and being overly hyper in my demands did nothing to help anyone else either. I pulled back from competitive play because I didn’t like me anymore. Now I have started to learn tennis. So far, so good but I am only learning – haven’t really played a game. Have I learned enough to pray before – in order to remember what is really important – people and their hearts? Being Christ and showing Christ?

Rather than merely looking out for my interest, can I begin to place the needs of others before my own?

The only way to see God in situations is to see myself in His Light. Will He shine in me today? Can I push my pride aside and get my personal agenda out of the way to see God? Hard questions. Only God can help me do that. One day at a time.


Father, help me to push self to the side, and seek Your face. Help me see if I am doing something from selfishness. Help me place others’ needs before my own. In Jesus’ name. AMEN

Next week I will continue with the last question. This study is based on a book called Faithful, Abundant and True with Kay Arthur, Priscilla Shirer and Beth Moore.

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