How Do I Come Into His Presence When I am Lonely?

His Presence – Stillness

by Mary Haskett

I wanted to enter into His presence, but it seemed I could not find the way. Loneliness struck once again. My husband had been gone to heaven for more than eighteen months, and still, waves of loneliness would wash over me. Try as I might to fight them off—they stayed.

A while ago I read Jan’s blog about being still for five minutes every day, shutting out all noise and distractions and concentrating on Him. Have I practiced it? No. Have I ever practiced it? Yes— many times, and in the practicing have experienced the overflowing presence of the Holy Spirit filling me with confidence and peace.

I determined once again to enter into that quiet place and as I did, Andrew Culverwell’s song , Cover Me Lord with Your Presence, popped into mind. I searched online until I found it. I have entered again into His presence and the loneliness has dissipated.

Jesus understands our ups and downs, since He knows every aspect of our lives. I love in John 14:18 where He declares, I will not leave you comfortless. “Come,” He says, “into my presence and I will comfort you.”

How do we do that? Immediately the Scripture pops into my mind:

“Be still and know that I am God”  (Psalm 46:10 NIV).

This very stillness, this focusing on Him, then talking to Him, calms our troubled spirits. Praise His Name.


Dear Lord, In times of turmoil, sadness and loneliness, help us to quiet our spirits and enter into Your reassuring Presence.

Mary Haskett

Mary is a writer and speaker. Since becoming a Christian she has served as Director of Women’s ministries, Singles Fellowship, counseling and prayer.

She is a member of The The Word Guild. and Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship. Mary is the founder of Ready Writers, London

Her book Reverend Mother’s Daughter was a finalist in the 2008 Word Guild of Canada Awards and won an IPPY award in the states. Her second book Because We Prayed was released last year.  She has had many articles published and  has been a regular contributor to the community publication Christian Life in London. You can visit her on her website.

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  1. Mary Haskett says:

    Jennifer, Thank you for your comment. Yes how good to know we can go to Him for reassurance.

  2. Mary, what a beautiful devotion! I can’t imagine what it would be like to loose a spouse. As I read your post, I was reminded of Psalm 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” I love how God draws us near so He can love and comfort us when we need it most.

  3. Mary Haskett says:

    Ginny, It is so inspiring when God speaks to us through different venues about the same issues. Thank you for your comment.
    God bless Mary

  4. Mary Haskett says:

    Hello Brenda,
    Thank you. Yes indeed God is the comforter. I’m glad my blog encouraged you.
    Every blessing Mary

  5. Mary Haskett says:

    Yes Ginny. What a blessing to have HIs Word.It is food for our souls.

  6. Ginny Jaques says:

    I just read the same thought in Psalm 37 this morning in my “quiet” time. Psalm 37:7a “Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” Sounds like a great focus for us all in this noisy age we live in.

  7. Dear Mary- Thanks for telling us honestly how you feel.
    It is just slightly over 12 months since my Ron passed and your notes comfort me so. Time is not the big healer that everyone keeps telling us that it is. However, God is! Thanks for the reminder.
    Hugs Brenda J Wood

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