How Can I Not Afford to Spend Time with God?

by Janis Cox

Time with God

Time with God


Twice this past week I have been shown the word – REST. While reading Wonderstruck, Margaret talks about making sure we take the time to rest. If we don’t take the time to rest we won’t accomplish nearly as much. When we rest we replenish ourselves and the tasks go smoother.

The second time, Jesus Calling spoke about taking every thought captive so our minds can be at rest or peace.

“I will guard you and keep you in constant Peace, as you focus your mind on Me [Jesus].”

So for those days when things just seem impossible; when the tasks seem insurmountable; when your heart is heavy or your mind scattered – REST. This is living prayer.

Even a few minutes sitting in silence with God can replenish our spirits.

I have been asked how we can do that when we have young children. I tell them that the bathroom is their refuge. Use the bathroom for your escape to sit and pray; rest in God. You will find that your discouragement, anger, frustration will be supernaturally released. You will feel refreshed and renewed.

Take that time – BREATHE.

Can you really afford NOT to spend time with God?

Once again from Jesus Calling:

“Bring Me the sacrifice of your time and watch and see how abundantly I bless you and your loved ones.”

Take a look at your time  – where can you put REST into your week?

I would love to hear how you do this. Please write a short comment in the space below.

Other articles on spending time with God:

Janis Cox

Janis Cox - Author and Illustrator

Janis, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. She has published two devotionals and a number of articles for magazines and a Bible study. She is owner of Under the Cover of Prayer and moderates the site. Jan has completed a children’s book called Tadeo Turtle. She is the watercolour illustrator. Word Alive has published Tadeo Turtle. See more information at Jan’s Website.

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  1. Janis Cox says:

    Thanks for dropping in and commenting. Yes crazy busy and we forget Him – so easy to do. Working on all of it myself.

  2. Janis Cox says:

    Yes, yes, you need to rest in God, Janet. Sometimes God has to stop us “doing” to remind us that we first need Him.

  3. What a great post! Life is so crazy and busy sometimes. I love what you said about looking into our week and setting aside some “rest time.” I love that passage in Matthew 11 where Jesus says, “Come to me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest.” It fills me with such joy and confidence knowing that this is plan for me.

  4. Janet Stobie says:

    Hi Jan, Read this tonight as I am forced to rest. Drugs for pain are keeping me from doing much thinking so resting in God is my only choice. Hopefully, I’ll continue to rest in God once my back begins to heal.

  5. stephseclecticinterests says:

    So true!

  6. stephseclecticinterests says:

    My pleasure, Jan.

  7. Janis Cox says:

    Thanks for getting caught up. We have had some awesome posts here on UTCOP.
    Blessings and great to have you back,

  8. Janis Cox says:

    It is a choice, isn’t it? Where are we putting our time – and He requires it first.

  9. Janis Cox says:

    Thanks for reblogging Stephanie.

  10. Janis Cox says:

    Thanks Stephanie. I keep saying to myself – God first. God first.

  11. raisethegaze says:

    Hello Jan,

    You pose a very important question and provide valuable suggestions here. Thank you. I also caught up on a number of posts, including Mary Haskett’s, among others. UTCOP — still drawing us into life lived under the cover . . . ! ~~+~~

  12. Mary Haskett says:

    Yes indeed! A lovely title and helping all of us to see it is possible to take time out and rest in Him

  13. stephseclecticinterests says:

    As I dive into “my day off,” this is a wonderful reminder to open my Bible and my prayer journal and spend time with Him before the day gets away from me.

  14. stephseclecticinterests says:

    Reblogged this on Steph Nickel's Eclectic Interests and commented:
    So very true. Thank you to Janis Cox for this post.

  15. stephseclecticinterests says:

    Love this title, Jan. It sums it up beautifully.

We would love to hear your thoughts.