What is the Greatest Love?

by Mary Haskett

God Loves Us - We can pray for others.

God Loves Us – We can pray for others.

The train rattled on past snow covered terrain from London, Ontario to Ottawa. I noted how the snow became more evident as we got closer to our destination. We arrived. My son-in-law and two little grandsons met me at the station. All smiles and chit-chat, we drove to their home. The snow pristine, with not a foot print in sight was piled high in their back yard.

The next day my daughter dressed the boys in suitable attire while my son-in-law prepared a snow slide from the deck to the bottom of the yard. Grandma—that’s me–watched as they, oblivious to the cold, squealed with delight as they rode the track on their toboggan and I filmed the action through the window!

I thought how secure and happy those little boys were, and I thanked God for their loving parents; although their love and attentiveness to their children is nothing compared to the love God has for us.

We are assured over and over again of God’s love for us in the Holy Scriptures. A scripture that is a favourite one for me is:

“The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31:3,  KJV).

I can testify of that everlasting love.  God loves even those who don’t serve Him.

Let’s pray that they too will experience and know His everlasting love.


Dear Lord, thank you for the love you have for me. Thank you for drawing me with your loving kindness. And because your love is so great for all mankind I trust my loved ones to be drawn in too. Amen.

Mary Haskett

Mary is a writer and speaker. Since becoming a Christian she has served in many capacities. On a monthly basis in her home, she hosts a women’s prayer group, a women’s fellowship group, and Ready Writers, London of which she is the founder.
She serves in several ministries in her church.

She is a member of The The Word Guild. and Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship.
Her book Reverend Mother’s Daughter was a finalist in the 2008 Word Guild of Canada Awards and won an IPPY award in the states. Her second book Because We Prayed was released two years ago.  India My Calling is her latest release, and relates the compelling story of  Jean Darling who served for 40 years on the mission field. Mary has had many articles published and  has been a regular contributor to the community publication Christian Life in London. You can visit her at http://www.maryhaskett.com

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